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About our school

Our Houses

Discoverer Explorer
discoverer194 explorer194
Creator Investigator
 creator194  Investigator194


House Teams

Why have houses?

We feel the children benefit from being members of mixed age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other, gives them a strong sense of responsibility and belonging.

How many houses are there?

There are 4 houses and all children and pupils are in a house. House Teams change every two years so that everyone gets to experience being an Explorer, a Discoverer, an Investigator and a Creator. All roles and skills children embody through engaging in the Shakespeare curriculum.

How is the house system used?

There is a house point system with a cup awarded each half term. The winners see the cup displayed in their house colours for the following half term and they also win an extra break time. House points are awarded in line with the Shakespeare Promise:

We are...

  • Never absent, never late
  • Full of learning power
  • Great at being gold
  • Healthy and active