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About our school

About our school

Our staff

Head Teacher

Mr J Gorton

Vision and direction, Governing Body, Standards, Teaching and Learning, Staffing and Recruitment, Finance, Buildings, Targeted Services, Safeguarding and School Partnerships

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs A Brealey

Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusion Leader and Acting SENDCO, Foundation Stage Leader, EYFS Specialist Leader of Education, EYFS Admissions and Transition, Appraisal, EYFS Assessment, Early Reading Lead EYFS, EYFS Teacher

Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs R Wilson

Assessment and Data, Key Stage Two Leader, Strategic Lead, Appraisal, Partnership and Community Lead, Staff Induction, Curriculum Lead, Core Subject Lead, Year Five Teacher, Senior Mental Health Lead

Assistant Head Teacher KS1

Miss H Drew

Key Stage One Leader, EAL and New Arrivals, Pupil Premium Lead, ECT Senior Mentor, Appraisal, Assessment, Year 2 teacher, Early Reading Lead KS1

Phase Leader (KS1)

Phase Leader for Years 1 & 2, Year 2 teacher

Phase Leader (LKS2)

Mr P Doyle

Phase Leader for Years 3 & 4, Year 3 teacher

Phase Leader (UKS2)

Phase Leader for Years 5 & 6, Year 6 teacher

Phase Leader (EYFS)

Mrs N McGee

Phase Leader for EY, Reception teacher

Leader of Learning

Mr J Annis-Brown

Maths Subject Lead, Year 5 teacher 

Leader of Learning

Mrs J Fox

English Subject Lead, Year 3 teacher

Leader of Learning

Mrs S Beer

Sustainability Lead, UKS2 teacher

Leader of Learning

Miss E Corbett

Nursery Lead, Nursery teacher

Leader of Learning

Miss S Pemberton

PE, Wellbeing and Sport Lead, Year 4 teacher

Leader of Learning

Mr S Longfellow

Humanities Lead, Year Two teacher


Business Manager

Miss R Brookes

Leads in the management, supervision and provision of school support services.


Mrs L Hepworth

Organising and maintaining school finances.

Administrative Assistants

Miss G Ingle

Mrs K Bell

Senior Receptionist and Administrator

Senior Administrative Assistant

Facilities team

Mr G Mackwell

Mr C Cavasi

Miss A Wencka

Senior Caretaker



Pastoral Support


Miss L Smith

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Family Support, Attendance, Lead for Behaviour Support

Attendance & Family

Support Advisor


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Attendance, Family Support, Admissions

Learning Mentors

Mrs L Thackery

Ms A Gibbons

Supporting children in their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development

IT Manager

Mr D Bottrill

Organising and maintaining school's ICT network and infrastructure

Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss L Smith

Conduct, welfare and safety of pupils during the lunchtime period




Mrs G Hassan

Miss V Cortes-Petrie

Ms J Jopson

Mrs M Alemayhu

Mrs M Ali

Mrs G Reda 

Mrs S Woodhead

Mrs G Ali

Mrs H Aliyu 

Mrs K Hussein 

Welfare and safety of pupils during the lunch period

Breakfast and After School Care Club

Mrs A Hardcastle

Mrs L Thackery

Mr S Tserkezos

Miss K McIlroy

Welfare and safety of pupils during Breakfast Club and After School Care Club

Nursery 2-3s

Miss R Ingle (Room Leader)

F Unlu

R Colley

R Debral 

A Raynor

Nursery 3-4s

Miss E Corbett

Miss H Whitelaw (Room Leader)

S Varley

C Thompson

K Buckley

L Tavernier


Mrs N McGee

Miss J Filer

Mrs S Howarth

Miss L Jones

H Collier

W Lambert

S Sarda

R Cartwright

H Crowther

T Peters

E Dodgson

E Buckle  

M O’Hara 

E Bennett  

C Dawson

C Butler


A Armstrong 


M O’Hara  

C Dawson 

Year 1

Miss P Lumley

Mrs A Coppinger

Miss M Butler (Mat Leave)

Miss V Whitley

C Gollop

M Hussain

A Hutchinson

E Carroll

A McGlashon

P Rahman

K Murray

E Harrison

L Hallinan

Year 2

Miss L Barnes

Mr S Longfellow

Miss J Kelly

A Dumitru

M Lovefield

K Baldock

E Sharp

J Lian

L Hallinan

KS1 Thrive

Mrs N Sharif (mat leave)

E McCracken

R Long

C Poaty 

Year 3

Mrs J Fox

Miss C Maher

Mr P Doyle

T Ware  

S McArthur

E Lovett

E Connolly

S Panesar 

L Bell 

B Makariou 

A Longfellow

Year 4

Miss H Lowe

Mr G Ryan

Miss A Corcoran

Mrs S Beer

Miss S Baird

Mrs H Hall

Mrs K Teasdale

A Hardcastle

M Siddle

I Murray

S Owen

L Waterstone

K Smith 

M Ketcher

S Campbell

Year 5

Mr J Annis-Brown

Mrs C Jackson

Mrs E Kaya

E Williams 

S Lee

I Mitalidis

S Tserkezos 

M Pierre

C Moore
Year 6

Mrs M Barnes

Miss S Pemberton

Miss P Cartwright

Mr M Tee

Mrs S Beer

P Derbyshire

D Connolly

L Palin

R Lancaster

H Laughey

Z Clarke

K McIlroy