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For Parents/Carers

For Parents/Carers

Our Key Dates 2024-2025



Wednesday 8th

Planetarium visit Y5

Wednesday 15th

Y2 skipping festival

Monday 20th

Artist Kevin Hickson visits Y5

Tuesday 21st

Y6 visit to Leeds Art Gallery

Visit from author James Campbell

Wednesday 22nd

9am Parent Voice

Thursday 23rd 

8.45am Reception parents phonics meeting

Friday 24th 

Artist Kevin Hickson visits Y5

Author Kate Pankhurst visits Y1

Tuesday 28th 

One Y2 class to visit Abbey House Museum

3F visit to Leeds Museum

Thursday 30th 

Rest of Y2 to visit Abbey House Museum

Reception Lunar New Year workshop


Friday 7th 

Artist Kevin Hickson visits Y5

3D and 3M visit to Leeds Museum

Tuesday 11th 

Y5/6 Excel Choir day

Friday 14th 

School is closed for a training day and half term holidays

Monday 24th

School re-opens


Thursday 6th

World Book Day

Wednesday 12th

Parent Voice


Wednesday 2nd

Eid celebration with Parents

Friday 4th

School closes for Easter Holidays



Friday 6th

Author Tom Palmer visits Y6

Tuesday 10th

Allotment Trip 5H

Wednesday 11th

Allotment Trip 5K

Y2 Lion Learners

Friday 13th

Allotment Trip 5AB

Monday 16th

Stone Age workshop (4L and 4C)

Tuesday 17th

Y1 Parent phonics meeting

Wednesday 18th

Parent Voice

Stone Age workshop (4R)

Thursday 19th

Author Onjali Q Rauf Zoom visit Y4


Y6 Eden Camp visit

Monday 23rd

 3F Discovery Centre 

Tuesday 24th

3M Discovery Centre 

Thursday 26th 

3D Discovery Centre

24th & 26th

Skelton Grange Y5


Wednesday 9th

Y6 Parents Whitby meeting @3pm

Thursday 10th

Y5 D:Side Internet Safety

Friday 11th

Y6 D:Side Internet Safety

Wednesday 16th

Y6 VE Day Celebration @2:3pm

Thursday 17th

Y2&3 Theatre performance

W/C 21st

Y6 Whitby

Monday 21st

Author Natasha Farrant zoom visit Y5


Tuesday 5th

School photos

Wednesday 6th

Y3 zoom with author Christina Balit

Thursday 7th

Reception Diwali Party

Y3 Birds of prey workshop

Tuesday 12th

Parent's evening

Thursday 14th

Parent's evening

Tutti Frutti Performance Y2 & Y3

Wednesday 20th

Y1&2 Samuel Pepys workshop

Parent Voice


Tuesday 3rd &

Wednesday 4th

Y4 Visit to Murton Park

Friday 6th

Y6 D:Side

Tuesday 10th

Y4 watch Y5/6 Nativity rehearsal @ BCC

Wednesday 11th

Y4, 5 Choir & Year 6 Nativity at Bridge Community 9am

Thursday 12th

Reception Parent Christmas sing-a-long 9am

Christmas Dinner Day

Monday 17th

KS1 Big Foot Arts performance

Tuesday 17th

Y2 Christmas Performance 9am

Y1 Parent Christmas sing-a-long 11am

Christmas Party - Y1,2,4 & 5 @1pm

Wednesday 18th

Y3 Burmantofts Senior Action Carol Singing

Nursery Parent Christmas sing-a-long

KS2 Big Foot Arts performance

Christmas Party - Reception

Thursday 19th

Reception & Nursery Big Foot Arts performance

Christmas Party - Y3 & 6

Friday 20th

Christmas Jumper Day

School closes @ 3pm