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For Parents/Carers

For Parents/Carers

Our Key Dates 2024-2025



W/C 3rd

Y6 Mock SATS

Monday 3rd

Y4 Malham Parent’s Meeting 3.05pm

Wednesday 5th

Classroom Kitchen 6C, 5AB

Thursday 6th

World Book Day

W/C 10th

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Tuesday 11th

Skipping Festival

Wednesday 12th

Parent Voice

Classroom Kitchen 5J & 5K

Thursday 13th

Final day of swimming for 4L


Y4 Malham Residential

Wednesday 19th

Classroom Kitchen 1W & 1H

Friday 21st

Comic Relief Bake Sale

Monday 24th

Y5/6 Excel Choir Day

Y6 SATs Parent Meeting

Wednesday 26th

Classroom Kitchen 2K

Classroom Kitchen 1L


Tuesday 1st

Author Maria Farrer Visits Y4

Wednesday 2nd

Eid celebration with Parents

Autism Awareness Day

Classroom Kitchen 2B & 2L

Friday 4th

School closes for Easter Holidays