Y5 Space Themed Taster Day
This half term the Year 5 classes had the exciting opportunity to visit Trinity Academy Leeds. On this space themed taster day, the three classes took part in a maths, science and drama lesson in preparation for the transition they will make to high school after Year 6. In the drama lesson, the pupils became warriors inspired by the fearsome planet Mars. They practised their dramatic sword fighting skills to ultimately perform a valient battle scene.
Then it was on to maths. Using Top Trump cards based on the eight planets in our solar system, the pupils calculated a number of equations to compare numerical information based on their speed, diameters and distance from the sun. We finished the morning with a fiery science lesson where the pupils got the chance to use a Bunson burner for the very first time! It was a fantastic morning which has left our Year 5s excited for making that big step to high school in the coming years. Thank you Trinity Academy and well done Year 5 for being enthusiastic and mature - even around the big kids!