Who is the Governing Body?
Shakespeare Primary School Governing Body is made up of members of the local community, parents, teachers, representative of Leeds Local Authority as well as public and private sector professionals. Our governing body consists of ten females and five males, with a wide range of ages but mainly of working age. We have two ethnic minority governors and are working to increase this representation.
The Governing Body consists of :
- The Head Teacher
- One appointed Local Authority Governor
- One Elected staff Governor
- Two elected parent Governors
- Ten co-opted Governors (this can include more parent Governors)
Their responsibilities are varied and include staffing, finance and curriculum. The Governing Body carries out work through three sub-committees - Resources, Teaching and Learning, and Pupil Support. When a parent vacancy arises the two parent governors are elected from all eligible parents by ballot. Information on what is expected of a school Governor can be found on the National Governors Association website www.nga.org.uk
The office for each Governor is held for a period of four years.
The Chair and vice-chair are elected at the first meeting of the school year.
Our Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office.